Portfolio Website Patrick Noten

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Games [4Health] Jam - Block Out

C#, Unity, Unity Networking, Puzzle Design

The main focus of the game was to get people with psychiatric disorders to communicate better.

Block Out is a multiplayer puzzle game where two players have to communicate verbally to solve a maze. The objective is to send coloured cubes to their destination marked with the same colour. The screen is divided into two halves.

Both players see all the cubes and all the destinations. Player 1 can control the cubes on the right side of the field and player 2 controls the cubes on the left side. The hook is that Player 1 can only see the obstacles of Player 2 and vice versa. The players have to communicate in order to explain where each others obstacles are and give instructions on how to complete the level.

Soul Forest Mod

We created this game in a group of 6 people in a +-14 hours. My part in this was that of the music, the splitting of the screen so that each player only sees its own half and the check if all blocks have reached the finish. The music part was fairly easy, but the making only half of the screen render was a small challenge.

I managed to do this using the camera's culling mask to not render anything in the "hidden" layer. Then I made it so that the it calculated what the half of the level was and what not to render (things like the cubes & finishes should be visible to both players).

The hardest part in this game was not the coding, but trying to find a way to make people communicate more or stimulate it.

Programs I Used:

  • Audacity (Audio Editing)
  • Unity (Game Engine)

There is a code example at the bottom of the page. Below you can see the trailer we created for this game:

Code Example:

Blockout code example